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Wednesday 2 October 2013

How do I take good pictures at night

1. night
Although the " photograph " means drawing with light, with the advent of the night before the photographer opens up countless opportunities to capture unique images. We can forget about the flash. Light for us it is only the front and flatten the image . To get a really attractive visual effects we need to know the rules setting the shutter speed , the length of the shutter speed .
 2. Exposure time
 The longer the exposure, the more light " fall " into the camera. In most of the time the apparatus can be adjusted. At night, the best shooting still objects , because all the elements in motion picture shall be shaken .
 3. stand 
To make a good picture at night , you'll need a tripod , because , at the moment the picture is taken with a long exposure time , the camera must be absolutely still. If you do not have a tripod , you can always put the camera on a low wall , a bench , or even on the ground to create a stable environment .
 4. parameters 
To achieve the desired result , we need to experiment with shutter speeds . Before you select the parameters, which we are interested , we should take a series of images with the starting time of 1 second , the maximum time for the camera ending . It is worth noting the results of our fun. It may be very helpful in further attempts to capture interesting images. Remember the rule: the longer the shutter is open , the more light it will fall . In other words, the longer the time you set , the brighter the picture will be . To picture came out without any movements , we must ensure that there is stability. It remains , however, the moment you press the shutter button , which for a long time will definitely put a gentle movement that can " smear " a picture of us .Tip photographerProfessionals use a cable release that allows you to snap photos while standing next to the camera. We can use a trick known to every photographer - use the self-timer . Just wait a few seconds , the camera will automatically use the trigger , and our picture will be perfect.
 5 shutter 

After a student is playing with shutter speeds , you can try changing the second major parameter settings of our camera - aperture . Aperture controls the amount of light that enters the camera. Determining a value f , and its symbol is AV cameras . Aperture is the opening through which light enters . By changing its value, adjust the process. The larger the aperture , the picture will be clearer .Aperture value to specify the number , eg 1.8,2.8,5.6,8,16 . The higher the number, the hole is smaller. Principle: The most light given by the lowest number of aperture . Aperture also focuses the image, and it is this value we are interested in more on the occasion of taking pictures at night , because it is responsible for metering here more exposure time . The rule is simple: the larger the aperture value, the image is sharper and will have more details.To shoot at night , you should use the aperture of the range 4-11 . A longer time and higher aperture value will be able to get clear pictures , but sharp , and this is what exactly we mean.Tip photographerDo not forget , of course, the most important thing , which is good fun ! All the shooting is fun to experiment . Picture does not always have to be perfectly clear and sharp! Sometimes pictures " failed " or overexposed , underexposed or raised an abstract , a very interesting picture .
 6. Experiment 
When we master the above parameters set our camera , we can begin to experiment with the cadre . Let us try to picture the perspective of the earth from above. Changing the height of the stand , let's put the camera on the ground , etc. 
7. summation 
To make good shots at night include:

Find the values ​​corresponding to the camera exposure times . The longer the picture brighter !
Stock up on a tripod , or taking pictures , put the camera on a stable , immobile footing .
Try different times and choose the best one.
Try to change the aperture for greater focus. Remember that the higher the aperture the picture darker , so similarly try to add more time .
Experiment !

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